
A brief look at crafted impactful publications, employing layouts and designs that convey information clearly and concisely.

Urban Governance Case Studies

UN-Habitat supports cities and countries all over the world to strengthen governance by improving the coordination and transparency of institutional frameworks; empowering representatives of urban stakeholders and constituencies through inclusive sound institutions and mechanisms; and providing predictability and coherence in urban development plans to enable social inclusion, sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, and environmental protection.

Public Participation

The Sustainable Development Goals and New Urban Agenda emphasize the need for inclusive and collaborative governance in spatial planning processes. Thus, rather than advocating for a technocratic and normative model of spatial planning based on standards and regulations, the Goals and the New Urban Agenda refer to spatial planning as a multi-stakeholder decision-making process during which participation is a key governance feature to reach sustainable development.

A Manual for Parliamentarians

UN-Habitat, in collaboration with the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London, UK has prepared these Guidelines for the Scrutiny of the Quality of Urban Legislation: A Manual for Parliamentarians to act as a point of reference and reflection into quality law-making for all parliamentarians and lawmakers, with the hope of stimulating discussion over ways to address shortcomings in urban legal frameworks.

Most Downloaded Resources as reported by UN Habitat Legislation & Governance wrapping up 2023





Enabling Meaningful Public Participation in Spatial Planning Processes





A Comparative analysis of Urban Governance for Planning in 10 Countries of the Global South

Other Publications
